Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2009: Forward Dressing Station

2009: Forward Dressing Station

2009: Dressing Station

2009: Forward Dressing Stations

: Nagasaki Joe news 2

1940: Nagasaki Joe news 1

: Nagasaki Joe restaurant Match Box

: Nagasaki Joe Restaurant 2

: Nagasaki Joe Restaurant 1

1945: 1945 Shipping Wrecks in Victoria Harbour

1945: 1945 Tkachenko

1962: 1960s Tank Lane - Old Street Lamp

1996: Foundation Stone of the Praya Reclamation Works

1995: 1897 Victoria Road Foundation Stone

: Kamikaze

: Kamikaze

: Kamikaze

: Kamikaze

1966: Junction of Wanchai & Johnston Roads

2009: central market

1938: Central Market Construction

1928: Wanchai Police Station

1915: 1910s Unon Church

1917: 1910s Union Church

1900: 1900s Union Church
