Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1890: Peak Church

1888: 1888 Map of the Peak

: Idlewild - center

: Dairy Farm Building - Fringe Club

1890: 1890s - Fernside

1906: 1906 Kingsclere

1890: 1865 Masonic Hall

1869: 1869 Peak Road Map

1904: c.1904 View of Union Church and east along Kennedy Road

1910: Kingsclere - 1910

1910: Kingsclere - 1910

1910: Kingsclere Hotel - c.1909

1910: Kingsclere - 1900

1868: The Albany - 1868

: Details of statues in Statue Square

1900: Albany Filter Beds - with sand

1920: Albany Filter Beds - 1920s

1904: Albany Filter Beds - c.1904

1888: 1888 Map - Mt. Kellett

1930: 1930s Matilda Hospital

1920: 1920s Matilda Hospital

1955: 1950s La Hacienda

1890: Mt. Kellett - 1890's

2009: 2009 Old Peak Rd

1895: 1890s Mid-Levels
