Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: Macomer - 1892 (became Clovelly)

1978: Old Peak Rd c.1978

1958: May Road - c.1958

1958: Luginsland - Detail of a photo c.1958

1890: Luginsland - 1890s

1948: Ho Tung Garden

1935: 1930s Mount Gough looking from Mt Kellett

1910: Stokes Bungalow - c.1910

1995: Police Museum Tai Po Field Gun at Coombe Road, Wanchai Gap

1888: Stokes Bungalow

1898: 1890s Mount Austin Military Band

1910: 1900s Peak

1895: 1890s Queen's Gardens

1903: 1900s Victoria Peak Lookout Cannon

1930: 1930 Statue of Sir Henry May

1966: Chater Hall Landslide

1900: Mount Gough

1889: 1889 Directory & Chronicle for China ... Key for the Peak

1900: 1900s Stewart Terrace

2009: Model of the Peak District - Model

2009: Model of the Peak District - Plaque

1995: Peak Police Station Cannon

1995: Peak Police Station

1995: Peak Police Station

1910: Clavadel
