Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1930: 1930s Western Junction of Hennessy & Johnston Roads

1930: 1930s Arsenal Street

1912: 1910s Marble Hall Grounds

1927: 1927 Central & Harbour View

1915: 1910s Sailor's Home, Sai Ying Pun

1925: 1920s Queen's Gardens

1910: 1910s Queen's Gardens

1910: 1910s Queen's Gardens

1910: 1910s Queen's Gardens

1900: 1900s Queen's Gardens

1930: c.1930 View of Central & Harbour

2009: War Memorial Hospital foundation stone

2009: War Memorial Hospital foundation stone

: Wanchai: Fleming / Johnston / Wanchai Road

1919: Old Peak Road 1919 - from Branksome Towers (I think)

: Fleet Club: then & now

1924: 1924 View of Hong Kong from the harbour

1930: 1930s Majestic Theatre on Nathan Road

1922: c.1922 View of Hong Kong from the harbour

1931: 1931 - Norman E. Fields, view of mansions on Old Peak Rd and Hong Kong Harbour

2009: Kowloon Union Church

1958: 1958 Victoria Park

1956: Peak Mansions plans

2009: Kai Chiu / Pak Sha / Lan Fong Roads

2009: Kai Chiu / Pak Sha / Lan Fong Roads
