Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1958: The Caroline Hill Stadium, Happy Valley.

1958: The Club Recreio King's Park Kowloon.

1958: The Craigengower Cricket Club in Happy Valley.

1958: The Craigengower Cricket Club, Happy Valley a.

1958: The Government Stadium, Happy Valley.

1958: The Hong Kong Cricket Club at Chater Road.

1958: The Hong Kong Footbal Club Stadium.

1958: The Kowloon Cricket Club at Coxs Path.

1958: The Police Club Happy Valley.

1958: The R.A.F. Kai Tak cricket ground.

1958: The R.A.F. Kai Tak cricket pavilion.

1958: The Race course a.

1958: The Race course b.

1958: The Race course c.

1958: The Sookunpoo Indian Recreation Club a.

1958: The Sookunpoo Indian Recreation Club.

1958: The Stadia in Happy Valley.

1950: 1950s Wanchai Fenwick Pier

1950: C&W office moves into Electra House

1958: Harbour a.

1958: Harbour at night a.

1958: Harbour at night b.

1958: Harbour b.

1958: Harbour c.

1958: Harbour d.
