Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1957: View from Sailors’ and Soldiers’ Home

1957: Happy Valley.

1957: Repulse Bay.

1957: Repulse Bay beach.

1957: View from Mt Butler.

1957: Wan Chai home life.

1957: Wan Chai street scene b.

1957: Wan Chai street scene.

2018: PB 36

2018: PB 36

1957: 1957 RAF Little Sai Wan

1929: 1929 Water Rationing

: C. L. Pinna.jpeg

: Great great grandpa Ferreira (smaller).png

1959: Causeway Bay waiting for the gharry b

1959: Lantau monastery.

1959: LSW Abdul who ran the small shop.

1959: LSW station headquarters.

1959: Lantau Shek Pik from near the Po Lin monastery

1959: Sek Kong main gate.

1930: Rickshaws

1960: The Peak Tram Hong Kong 1960

2007: May Road bridge

1958: Hong Kong Chinese Children 1958

1958: Hong Kong Chinese Children. Kam Tin 1958
