Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1957: Above Tai Koo docks.

1957: Cape Collinson lighthouse.

1957: Cheung Chau a.

1957: Cheung Chau b.

1957: Cheung Chau d.

1957: Kai Tak RAF Hastings.

1957: LSW reclamation a.

1957: LSW reclamation b.

1957: Shaukiwan.

1957: Tai Tam Tuk reservoir.

1957: Walk to Repulse Bay.

1953: 1953 Junction of Kimberley Road and Carnarvon Road

1941: Emil Danenberg circa 1941.jpg

1963: 1963 Shatin Heights Hotel

1930: Carrying displays on street

1951: Cape Collinson Nissen hut construction.

1951: Cape Collinson Snapper, Brian, Leigh Mallory, Brian.

1951: Cheero Club and Cathedral.

1952: Dairy Farm cover.

1952: Dairy Farm inner.

1952: N.A.A.F.I. club Chatham Road a

1952: N.A.A.F.I. club Chatham Road b

1952: Sailors and Soldiers Home a

1952: Sailors and Soldiers Home b.

1952: Sailors and Soldiers Home c.
