Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1955: Yuen Long shops b.

1938: Blocks of flats

1938: Cafe Wiseman

1938: Chinese Methodist Church - Old Kowloon City

1938: Old Kowloon City from "The Hill of King of the Sung"

1938: Old Kowloon City near Kai Tak

1938: Sampans off Kowloon City

1938: Unloading cans of rice Old Kowloon City

1938: Women working in a quarry

2018: Joseph & Caroline Leonard grave.JPG

2010: MacDonnell Road overpass

2010: Tracks under Cotton Tree Drive

1927: 1927 Typhoon Damage - Motorcar Garage

1967: 1967 Observatory Road

2016: Magistracy

1931: Felix Villas Murder headlines

2018: Bus #1 to Felix Villas

2019: Former Central Police Station - Air Raid Shelter

2018: Wall near PB 219

2018: Remains of PB 219

2018: GDL direction slab, Shatin Pass

2018: Wall near PB 220

2018: Remains of PB220

1880: 1880s Harbour Master's Office

1983: Peak Tramway - 1, Hong Kong, 1983
