Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1952: Sailors and Soldiers Home d.

1964: Do you recognise this location circa 1964

1964: Do you recognise this location circa 1964

2012: Emil Charles Danenberg

2013: Emil Portrait

1888: No_07_Hong_Kong_the_Peak_Tramway_by_Lai_Afong

1950: 367 Signals Unit Nissen huts Kai Tak 1950.

1951: Collinson billet 42 1951.

1951: Collinson caves 1951.

1951: Collinson gate Nov 1951.

1951: Collinson NAAFI and Mess 1951.

1951: Collinson to Big Wave Bay 1951.

1951: Little Sai Wan 1951

1898: 1898 Happy Retreat

1880: Chartered Bank at Duddell Street & Queen's Road Central

1900: Queens Road Central Looking West 1900s

2010: Ascending at Magazine Gap Road

1930: Peak Tramway

1956: 1956 Murray Road

: approx_loca.jpg

: Building on Queen's Road Central c. 1870's?

: The new Volume 2 at Bleak House Books

: Packing

: Boxes - front

: Boxes - side
