Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

Click on any photo for more information and to see a larger copy you can zoom in to.

: Exhibition layout

: Postcards

: Old photos

: Exhibition poster - John Thomson

: Clook Tower 1864.jpg

: Clocktower.jpg

1965: View1 c.1965 - joiner, Feb 1965, Facebook=Andrew Richards.jpg

1905: 1905 Ah-King Slipway Advert

1965: Admiralty c.1965, demolition for Cotton Tree Drive - s-l1600.jpg

1927: Tjileboet_1927_5.jpg

1927: Tjileboet_1927_4.jpg

: Rivier.jpg

: front1925.jpg

1925: harbour1925.jpg

1927: Tjileboet_1927_3.jpg

1927: Tjileboet_1927_2.jpg

1925: building.jpg

: ship_laundry.jpg

: bay.jpg

: Chineesche straat 2.jpg

: Chineesche straat.jpg

: quay.jpg

: schepen.jpg

: Chineesche woning in het bergland.jpg

: Betere Chineesche woning.jpg
