Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1957: Hong Kong Chinese Children. Dills Corner 1957

1957: Hong Kong Chinese Children. Sai Kung? 1957

1957: Hong Kong Chinese Children.Laffans Plain 1957.

2013: Magazine Gap Road bridge

2010: An interesting array of arches

1930: Sailors

1955: Aberdeen 1954 a.

1955: Aberdeen 1954 b.

1954: R.A.F. Avro York and Hastings Kai Tak.

1955: Bert Pope with Sten gun.

1955: Blue Peter Pub Nathan road.

1955: DF hut 1 Kong Wei.

1955: HMTS Empire Orwell at Hong Kong.

1955: Kam Tin.

1955: Kong Wei rest room.

1955: No 2 DF hut from rest room Kong Wei Bill and Colin Whitehead.

1955: Princess cinema Nathan Road Dec 1954.

1954: Sek Kong Christmas 1954 a.j

1954: Sek Kong Christmas 1954 b.

1955: Sek Kong guard room a.

1955: Sek Kong Mess cook.

1954: Sek Kong Mess cooks.

1954: Sek Kong Nissen Hut a.

1955: Sek Kong Nissen Hut b.

1955: Yuen Long shops a.
