Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1890: William Gardner Family Circa 1890s

1936: 1930s Gap Road Funeral Procession

1926: 1920s Aberdeen

1936: 1930s Royal Naval Hospital Entrance

1958: 1958 Junction of Hennessy Road and Arsenal Street

: Stanley camp photos.jpeg

1907: 1907 Admiralty dock

1966: May 6-14, 1966: HMAS MELBOURNE [II] at the Tamar Basin

1942: Weddding couple 2.jpeg

1915: Peak Signal Station

1930: Looking east towards St Joseph's College

1915: Circular Blockhouse

1957: Repulse Bay 1957

1957: Repulse Bay- Palm Trees-1957

1920: Sedan chairs

1920: Feet

1920: Hong Kong Hotel

1920: Back of postcard

1920: Tram

1920: Shadows

1951: Camp Collinson Amah Ah Hoi.

1951: HMTS Empire Halladale Singapore to Hong Kong 1951

1951: HMTS Empire Halladale Singapore to Hong Kong 1951 b

1952: Ping Shan Chris 12v accumulators thunder box.

1952: Ping Shan new hut Cpl Mick Brophy c1952.
