Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1958: Street 3.

1959: Street 4.3

1958: Tsim Sha Tsui from ferry.

1958: Wanchai from Lugard Road.

1958: Tin Sum Tsuen, Yuen Long

1958: Sai Kung Fui Yiu Ha

1958: Yuen Long village 3.

1930: South China Sea

1941: General Post Office - Connaught Road Central

1941: Lane Adjoining Windsor House and Exchange Building on Des Voeux Road Central

1941: Windsor House

1930: View over Happy Valley

1956: 1956 Riots - Garden Bakery

1956: 1956 Kai Tak Airport

: Weddding certificate.jpeg

1942: On the way to the wedding.jpeg

1930: People hauling cart

1901: People on Blake Pier

1901: 1901. On the Praya

1901: People on the Praya - 1

1901: People on the Praya - 2

1901: Women's feet

1901: Building & bamboo

1954: 1950s Austin Avenue

2018: Charles Boreham's inscription.JPG
