Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2018: Maria Boreham's gravestone.JPG

2018: Kwan Kung

2018: Kwan Kung inside

2018: on Tin Hau's left (visitor's right)

2018: 1.52 pm.jpg

2018: Tin Hau Temple, Sai Kung

2018: 12.48 pm.jpg

: 1.54 pm.jpg

1953: 1953 Ruins of the WW II / Peak

1956: Tai Po Market 1956.

1956: Tai Po

1956: Repulse Bay Eucliffe Castle.

1919: HT Wong 1910s Midlevels Road

: Bluff Head Battery DEL 2

: Bluff Head Battery DEL 2

: Bluff Head Battery DEL 2

: Bluff Head Battery DEL 1

1994: Bank of China Building Singapore

1940: Do You Recognise Anyone in This Photo?

2018: Barbara signing books before last night's talk

: Choi Hung Road -Then and Now

1959: Gharry timetable

1959: Big Wave Bay a March1959.

1959: Big Wave Bay b March1959.

1959: Big Wave Bay farmer's children March1959.
