Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1954: LSW Xmas soccer match c.

1954: LSW Xmas soccer match d.

1953: LSW1953.

1954: Macao Ferry Tak Shing 1954.

1954: Peak Tram Cafe.

1954: Xmas 1954 A Watch a.

1954: Xmas 1954 A Watch e.

1963: 1963 Tai Po

1969: Plover Cove Reservoir 1969

1942: 2018 Remembrance Day

1957: R.E.M.E. Light aid detachment to 1st Royal Tank Reg. Sek Kong 1957

1957: Cambrai Day-Men of “B”Squadron 1st. Royal Tank Regiment-Sek Kong 1957.

1957: Cambrai Day church service -1st.Royal Tank Regiment-Sek Kong-1957

1957: Cambrai Day Remembrance- 1st. Royal Tank Regiment-Sek Kong. 1957

2017: Greetings from Klaus

1930: Cenotaph

1960: Big Wave Bay.

1960: LSW Brian fixes it.

1960: On the way to Big Wave Bay.

1960: Tom Eaves and Brian Bartlett.

1930: Flower stalls

2018: Map from Gwulo book, Volume 2

1962: H M T Nevasa

1962: H M T Nevasa

2018: Greetings from OldTimer
