Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: HMS Tamar's anchor

1930: HK from the harbour

1980: Lindy's Restaurant Advert 1980

: Lady in HK.jpg


: Albert Jillott

: IMAG1816.jpg

2018: IMAG1821.jpg

1930: HK from harbour

1957: Tin Hau temple, Sai Kung

2017: Public holiday on Big Wave Bay Beach

1957: Paddy field 1957-Fan Ling area.

1957: 1957 -Shu Tau Kok- Police Border Post. At Shek Chung Au frontier check point.

1957: 1957-Sha Tau Kok- police border post.At Shek Chung Au frontier check point.

: Wo Fung Street in Fanling

1951: GILMANS-the Car People-Humber Hawk-the car with Punch!

1960: GILMAN MOTORS-Hillman Minx-Extra Power Elegance, Safety and Comfort

1930: Repulse Bay

1930: Boats in harbour

1965: 1960s Euston Castle

1973: Kwun Tong industrial area, c 1973

1962: kwun tong industrial area ca. 1962

1955: Kowloon Naval Dockyard

: W. Petro.jpg

1982: The Smugglers Inn Hong Kong
