Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2012: P1030891.JPG

2012: P1030896.JPG

2012: Inspection wells 4, 5, and 6 at Tai Tam Bay

2016: DSCN9626.JPG

1930: View over Central

1964: Travel - Kowloon Wharf to San Francisco (1964)

1957: H M T Nevasa

2011: Junction of Prat and Hart Avenues (2011)

1930: TST from the harbour

1964: Kowloon Wharf Pier - Farewell Moment (1964)

2014: Spaghetti House (former Lindy's)

2017: Chinese YMCA 2017

1930: From the peak - HK

2007: Plover Cove Reservoir from a plane

1954: HMT Lancashire

1954: LSW above camp gate 1954

1954: LSW above camp gate 1954

1955: LSW Airmens Mess

1955: LSW C Watch Dinner Victors Restaurant 1954

1955: LSW from Cape Collinson road 1954 b

1955: LSW from Cape Collinson road 1954.

1954: LSW GrahamBall DJ Xmas 1954

1954: LSW Officers Football Team Xmas 1954.

1954: LSW Soap Box races Xmas 1954.

1954: LSW Sqd Ldr Imrie Xmas1954.
