Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1952: LSW Kit unloaded from Lye Mun camp c 1952.

1952: LSW luxury ablutions 1952.

1952: LSW Officers quarters 1952.

1952: LSW pre war building on right 1952.

1952: LSW Sergeants and Officers quarters 1952 b.

1952: LSW view to Lion Rock 1952.

1952: RAF Hastings arrived in Hong Kong.

1952: Xmas Menu 1952 a.

1952: Xmas Menu 1952 b.

2018: Centre Street.JPG

1940: Mabel and Olive Redwood, Mrs Mabel Redwood, William R - Naval Terrace HK 1940.jpg

2011: Luen Wo Market - main entrance

2011: Luen Wo Market - main entrance

2011: Luen Wo Market - fish market

2011: Luen Wo Market - vegetable market

2011: Luen Wo Market

1945: Dudman W.F.-1945

1954: Case Shop and family

1954: LSW Airmens Mess1954.

1954: LSW Corridor.

1954: LSW Locker Space.

1954: LSW Parade a.

1054: LSW Parade b.

1954: LSW Xmas soccer match a.

1954: LSW Xmas soccer match b.
