Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1976: Houses, Fan Lau, Lantau

1985: Sampan snooze, Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter

1985: Seaweed drying on the rocks

2018: Portal entrance

2018: "AH" stone

2018: "AH" stone

1888: 1888 harbour chart

1950: Border Rail/Pedestrian Bridge at Lo Wu, c. 1950s

1910: Border Rail Crossing at Lo Wu c. 1910

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: Gwulo-book-p09-10-640px.jpg

1957: Cinema Programme-Cantonese?

: Sketch of round pillbox

1992: Blockhouses 5, 6, 7, & 8 at Tai Sheung Tok in 1992

1992: Blockhouse 9 at Tai Sheung Tok in 1992

2006: Wall of Blockhouse 20 at Crown Point in 2006

2009: Wall and trench of blockhouse 22 at Railway Pass in 2009

2009: Wall of blockhouse 22 at Railway Pass in 2009

: Lai Yuen Swimming Pool 1950s

: Lee theatre 1958.

: Cinema tickets 1957-1958

: cinema programme—English.

: Cinema programme—Cantonese?
