Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

Click on any photo for more information and to see a larger copy you can zoom in to.

: Queens birthday parade 1957

1958: Queens birthday parade Programme 1958

: Queens birthday parade 1958

: Queens birthday parade 1958

1964: 1964 Victoria Park1

1962: 1962 Typhoon Shelter

: Frank's A 43 001.jpg

1964: me (2).jpg

1968: Hong Kong Island, 1968 (Kennedy Town Godowns)

2018: 20180326-111423 - IMG_2845.JPG

2018: 20180326-112021 - IMG_2850.JPG

2018: 20180326-112243 - IMG_2852.JPG

2018: 20180326-112312 - IMG_2853.JPG

1956: 1956 Hong Kong Repulse Bay Beach

1956: 1956 Hong Kong Repulse Bay

1956: Tai Hang and Victoria Park

: s-l1600 (4).jpg

: 1920s Cheung Chau

1875: 1870's Sheung Wan

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