Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2016: Kowloon British School outbuildings 2016

1940: Yee Wo Street/Jardine's Bazaar

1954: IMG_20180322_0001.jpg

: Bank Cheque.jpg

1972: 1972 Tai Hang / Causeway Bay view

1920: single track.jpg

: Concrete mount for light AA gun

: Socket for AA gun

1986: Royal Theatre March 1986

1903: 1902-3 Po Kong village

1903: 1902-3 Po Kong village and surroundings

1924: 1924 Po Kong village and surroundings

: Massacre Plot

1913: Empire Cinematograph Theatre c1913

1972: DSCF4492 Tai Pak.JPG

1962: 1962 Junction of Wellington and Pottinger Street

: Ricksaws with large wheels

: Victoria and the Harbor

: American President Lines Ltd office (1953)

1947: Kai Tak-north-east mound

1956: 1956 Junction of Carnarvon Road and Humphreys Avenue

1956: 1956 Junction of Carnarvon Road and Prat Avenue

1959: 1959 Junction of Carnarvon Road and Hanoi Road

1958: 1958 Kai Tak - Japanese Used Control Tower

1949: Arch - 1949 - Fanling(?)
