Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

Click on any photo for more information and to see a larger copy you can zoom in to.

2018: Aperture close-up

2018: Inside the aperture

2018: View from the beach

1908: Renaming streets 1908

: 20180207_104006.jpg

: 20180207_104323.jpg

: Structure off Shek O road.jpg

1945: 1945 St Joseph's Home for the Aged Chapel

1945: 1945 St. Joseph's Home for the Aged

1945: 1945 GPO Special Chop

1976: 1976 TST Hanoi Road

1945: 1945 RAF Kai Tak Marine Craft

1945: 1945 Kai Tak Airport - Ground View

1945: 1945 Kai Tak Airport - Aerial View

2018: Bottles.JPG

2018: Dutch Gin Bottle.JPG

1930: L.R. Nielson House in Repulse Bay

1978: This Bridge Should be Finished by Now - Hong Kong 1978

1976: 1976_Ap Lei Chau

2018: 1 Grave Sugar Loaf.JPG

2018: Grave left.JPG

2018: Grave middle bottom & right.JPG

2018: Grave middle top.JPG

2018: Grave middle_right.JPG

2018: Grave right bottom.JPG
