Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2018: 20180215-085213 - IMG_1602.JPG

2018: 20180215-085657 - IMG_1609.JPG

2018: 20180215-090502 - IMG_1615.JPG

2018: 20180215-090748 - IMG_1619.JPG

2018: 20180215-091403 - IMG_1628.JPG

2018: 20180215-091657 - IMG_1635.JPG

2018: 20180215-091849 - IMG_1642.JPG

2018: 20180215-092116 - IMG_1649.JPG

2018: 20180215-092446 - IMG_1658.JPG

1941: ARP Portal K???, Gascoigne Road

1941: 1941 Gascoigne Road Street Sign

2014: Pottinger/Wellington Street

2014: Oil Painting Pottinger/Wellington Street

: 119 The Peak

1956: 1956 119 The Peak at Jardines Corner

: Modreenagh

1960: 1960s Junction of Caine Road and Arbuthnot Road

1963: Praying Mantis Class (1963)

2009: 2009 Caroline Hill Road - Old Street Sign

2009: 2009 Johnston Road - Old Street Sign

2009: 2009 Duddell Street - Old Street Sign

2010: 2010 Lee Tung Street - Old Street Signs

1927: 1927 Harbour Mooring Buoys

1891: refinery-page33 crop.jpg

1955: Lai Chi Kok, 1955
