Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1927: Shophouses along Arsenal Street

1927: c.1927 Victoria Harbour

1941: Collier's Magazine June 1941

1932: 1932 Garden Theatre

1932: GARDEN THEATRE-open-air cinema-SCMP advert

1940: 1940 Naval Wedding - Garden Road

: Tai Po Theatre and neighbours, 1950s aerial photo

: Shek Wu ~ Hang Lok Theatre

: Garden / 二兵頭花園 (1936)

1906: 1906 Typhoon - Tram

1953: 1950s Central Reclamation

1967: Mid-1960's Des Voeux Road C2

: Shau Kei Wan, Nov 1974 joiner.jpg

1974: Mundane view of HK Victoria harbour shoreline in 1974

1974: Victoria Harbour - Hong Kong

1974: Tram No. 11 with trailer in HK

2018: Rusting bolts at the corner of the north position

2018: Ngan Hang Village Machine Gun Positions, north (centre of pic), south (right)

2018: From south mg position looking north (chairman of village welcoming committee circling)

2018: From north mg position looking south

2018: South mg position

2018: North mg position

2018: Hole in south position

2018: Hole in north platform

1957: Photo from below Mt. Gough.jpg
