Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2018: Guided tour of the Jewish Cemetery

: IMG_20180127_132905.jpg

1982: Old Tsuen Wan Ferry Pier reclamation and bus station 1982

1956: 1956 Operation reclamation

2018: Braemar Reservoir - No. 5 Dam - Side view of entrance

2018: Braemar Reservoir - No. 5 Dam - Tunnel view

2018: Braemar Reservoir - No. 5 Dam - End of the tunnel

2018: Braemar Reservoir - No. 5 Dam - At the end of the tunnel

2018: Braemar Reservoir - No. 5 Dam - Entrance (inside view)

2018: Braemar Reservoir - No. 5 Dam - Entrance details

: Photo from below Mt. Gough.jpg

1968: Hong Kong. Ap Lei Chau Power Station. 1968

2017: Waterfront YMT

1956: Kai Tak-new runway construction-rock dumping

1950: Rock planting machine on a reclamation project-circa 1950

1899: 01 Picturesque HK Front Cover

1899: 02 Picturesque HK Title Page

1899: 03 Picturesque HK General View of Hong Kong Panorama

1899: 04 Picturesque HK Hong Kong the Harbour

1899: 05 Picturesque HK Kowloon from Hong Kong

1899: 06 Picturesque HK Hong Kong from Kowloon

1899: 07 Picturesque HK Royal Naval Hospital Hong Kong

1899: 08 Picturesque HK Hong Kong Club

1899: 09 Picturesque HK Queens Road Hong Kong

1899: 10 Picturesque HK Queens Road Hong Kong
