Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1938: fanling hunt guide book 1938_Page_6.jpg

: fanling hunt guide book 1938_Page_7.jpg

: fanling hunt guide book 1938_Page_1.jpg

: fanling hunt guide book 1938_Page_2.jpg

: fanling hunt guide book 1938_Page_3.jpg

: fanling hunt guide book 1938_Page_4.jpg

: fanling hunt guide book 1938_Page_5.jpg

1924: Christmas 1924 happy valley1.jpg

: dad and grandpa.jpg

1938: IMG_20180121_0090.jpg

1952: 1950s Kennedy Town

2018: Killed in Action D.P 25:5:1918.png

2008: Aberdeen Harbour, HK

1937: Military gathering-007-ready to defend

1937: Military gathering-006-erecting a netting structure

1937: Military gathering-005-friends together

1937: Military gathering-004-parade includes Chinese members

1937: Military gathering-003-on inspection parade

1937: Military gathering-002-assembling a barbed wire device

1937: Military gathering-001-everything stops for Tiffin

1937: Military gathering-008-protecting the Pay Tent with machine guns

1986: Aberdeen Harbour

2017: Junks under construction

2018: The roof of LL 24

2018: The blocked ventilation tower
