Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2018: The entrance

2018: The other side

2018: Looking across the inside of the shelter

2018: Internal view of the front of the main room

2018: The protective wall with LL 24 in the distance

2018: Protective wall running down to the reclamation

2018: "r" shaped structure

2018: Pillar with cross

2018: Sea Cadets Jubilee Centre from the slipway

1955: Lai Chi Kok Bay and Beach, 1955

: KCR (British Section) Kitson 2-6-4 Locomotive

: Boris Milenko with other HKU engineering students and nursing students 1938-024.jpg

: Boris Milenko with other HKU engineering students 1938, Kowloon and railway-003.jpg

1940: Boris Milenko and friends at Hong Kong_Studio_December 1940-030.jpg

1918: 1918 Gresson Street Incident - Police Funeral

2017: Holy Spirit Seminary

1930: Star ferry bus terminus & Kowloon wharf entrance interloper

1942: Kai-Tak-&-Kam-Tin-aerodromes-1942

1942: Illustrated London News-bombing of Hong Kong

: Hk monument 1947.jpg

: crash plane bullion.jpg

: slipway kowloon 1946.jpg

2018: 4 Cumberland Rd, Kowloon Tong (2018)

2018: 4 Kent Road, Kowloon Tong (2018)

2018: 9 Devon Rd, Kowloon Tong (2018)
