Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1941: Gloucester Building and Hotel

1941: Marina House

1941: Junction of Queen's Road Central and Duddell Street

1941: Junction of Queen's Road Central and Duddell Street

1940: King's Theatre Side Exit - D'Aguilar Street

2018: Concrete hut above Tin Wan

2018: Concrete hut above Tin Wan

1873: Map of the LMS compound

2017: Accessible Tunnel Entrance

2017: Accessible Tunnel (view into the portal)

: Partially Collapsed tunnel

2017: Mostly collapsed tunnel (inside view)

1950: 1950 San Wai

2017: 2017 Kowloon Union Church - Marble Flooring

1957: IMG_20180115_0032.jpg

1906: 1906 North Point tram

1910: 1910s Shaukeiwan tram

2018: Mormon Church at 2 Cornwall Street

2018: Cornwall Street Heavy Draw off Hydrant

1955: Merge of Gallipoli Lines pics.jpg

1957: Mt Gough area, with 359 The Peak.jpg

1957: my former Gough Hill homes.jpg

1962: Pollocks path Mess (41).jpg

1957: Parents House - 359 The Peak, HK.jpg

1957: my former Gough Hill homes.jpg
