Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1916: 32 Various Views

1916: 01 Front Cover

1916: 02 Title Page

1916: 03 A Stormy Sunset

1916: 04 Some Chinese Temples

1916: 05 Great Unwashed

1916: 06 From Causeway Bay

1916: 07 Shau Ki Wan

1916: 08 Summer Sunsets

1916: 09 Junks & Sampans

1916: 10 Around the Tramway

1916: 11 The Public Gardens

1916: 12 Jubilee Road

1916: 13 Kennedy Road

1916: 14 Various Views

1916: 15 Views From The Peak

: Entrance to Tunnel

: Entrance to Tunnel (2)

1940: American Evacuees - Gloucester Building and Hotel

1941: Peak Tram Lower Terminus

1941: HSBC Headquarters Building (3rd Generation)

1940: Young Newspaper Seller - D'Aguilar Street

1941: Chinese Boy on Pottinger Street

1941: HSBC Headquarters Building (3rd Generation)

1940: King's Theatre
