Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2018: Grave right.JPG

1922: 1920s Praya East

1985: Aerial view of Aberdeen mid 1980s

1948: Harry Blake & Holt's Wharf Colleagues.jpg

1924: Aberdeen aerial view 1924

1930: Harry & Olga's Mother & Friend.jpg

1930: Harry Blake is Passenger.jpg

1930: Olga Robinson is Passenger.jpg

1937: Royal Ulster Regiment at Racecourse

1940: Street Fire Alarm

1967: Ap Lei Chau Power Station 1967 1

1948: Cathay- Catalina flying boat-Passenger-Batley present-clip fron log-book page

1948: Cathay- Catalina flying boat-Passenger-Batley present-pilot's log-book page

1961: 1961 Bristol Avenue

1941: Pottinger Street

: IMG_0193.JPG

: IMG_0194.JPG

: IMG_0195.JPG

1956: 1956 Nathan Road

1956: 1956 Hankow Road

1973: Street car

2018: 20180215-084443 - IMG_1588.JPG

2018: 20180215-084539 - IMG_1589.JPG

2018: 20180215-084808 - IMG_1594.JPG

2018: 20180215-084903 - IMG_1595.JPG
