Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1919: Aileen and Doris Woods - Hong Kong Hotel

1938: Aileen Woods - Advertisement of Services

2017: Haiphong Road Temporary Market (2017)

2017: Green Island DEL 1 hidden under thick vegetation

2017: Green Island DEL 2

2017: Green Island Lighthouse and DEL 2

2017: The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce Building (2017)

1958: 1958 Royal Mailboat

1900: Foundation Stone Kowloon British School

2017: Sign for water tank

2017: MG Posts, Tytam Harbour Pumping Station

2017: MG Post, Deep Water Bay

2017: MG Post, Tytam Harbour

2017: MG Post, West Bay

: MG Post at East Tytam Bay

: MG Position at Stanley Beach

2017: Cast Iron Water Tank below Barker Road

2017: Inscription at the Cast Iron Water Tank below Barker Road

: IMG_20170513_093115.jpg

1961: 1961 RAF Sek Kong

1959: 1959 Central Vehicular Ferry Pier Bus Terminus

1951: image.jpeg

1983: Dairy Farm

1906: 1900s BMH and Bowen Road Filter Beds

2017: BMH gateposts and gatehouse
