Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

Click on any photo for more information and to see a larger copy you can zoom in to.

1945: 1945 Waterloo Road

2016: 11 York Road 2016 angled view

2016: 27 Kent Road 2016 front wall

2009: 9 Devon Road 2009 streetview

2011: 9 Devon Road 2011 streetview

2016: 21 Cumberland Road 2016 front view

2016: 21 Cumberland Road 2016 angled view

2016: Kowloon Tong Garden Estate - overview of remaining buildings

2016: Kowloon Tong Garden Estate upper half map

2016: Kowloon Tong Garden Estate lower half map

: WW2-Liverpool-mixed-marriage.jpg

: crumpled-photo-of-man.jpg

: Yvonne Foley

2013: High Rock

2013: High Rock

2013: High Rock

1962: RAF losses-Typhoon Wanda.jpg

1995: West Kowloon-reclamation-Panorama

1962: Kai Tak<>Hotel shuttle bus livery

1890: Looking South towards Aberdeen from Peak

: Shoe Repairman with Wheels 1955-56

1926: 1926 Nullah above hill road

1926: 1926 July 18th -19th Rainstorm 07

1926: 1926 July 18th -19th Rainstorm 06

1926: 1926 July 18th -19th Rainstorm 05
