Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1994: West-Kowloon-reclamation-006-TAI KOK TSUI

1994: West-Kowloon-reclamation-005-TAI KOK TSUI.

1994: West-Kowloon-reclamation--003

1993: West-Kowloon-reclamation-work-in-progress

1995: West-Kowloon-reclamation-cross harbour-tunnel-construction-002-.jpg

1995: West-Kowloon reclamation-cross harbour tunnel-construction-001.jpg

1963: 1963 Picnic in the New Territoties 2 of 4

1963: 1963 Picnic in the New Territoties 1 of 4

1963: 1963 Picnic in the New Territoties 3 of 4

1963: 1963 Picnic in the New Territoties 4 of 4

1993: West Kowloon reclamation-CORNELIUS-ZANEN-Suction-dredger-depositing-sand-on the reclamation-project

1993: West Kowloon reclamation-CORNELIS-ZANEN-fully loaded Suction-Dredger-also used-on-new-Airport-reclamation-projects

1992: West Kowloon reclamation-Jordon-Road Ferry piers-area-being-reclaimed

1991: West Kowloon reclamation-new-seawall-denoting-extent-of-reclamation

1993: West-Kowloon reclamation-004

1991: West Kowloon reclamation-003

1997: RADAR & Co-model shop-Ngau Tau Kok.jpg

1991: West-Kowloon reclamation project-002.jpg

1991: West-Kowloon reclamation project-001.jpg

1912: Extract of 1912 Peak Map

: Lion Rock Hiking Pass - 1900s

1930: Lai Chi Kok Road 264 -1930s and Present

: 22 Barker Road being destroyed / renovated.

1915: HK Post Office.jpg

1995: View from the Peak in about 1995
