Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2017: Apollo Building (former site of Apollo Theatre)

1876: James Legge at Corpus Christi College Oxford, 1876, after retirement from Hong Kong (1842-1873)

1850: JL3LadsLeggeCochraneEngravingOnly2.4Best++.jpg

: HSBC advert

: Hilton Horizon

: William J Lee Jubilee 1943.jpg

1905: LYM Howitzer Bty.jpg

1900: LYM Howitzer Bty 1899.JPG

: LYM Howitzer Bty 1904.JPG

1940: Queen Mary Hospital

: Poem

: WEST POINT MURDER: Young Boy Stabbed to Death

: CRIMINAL SESSIONS: The Catchick Street Affair

1907: Central Market

: 20170303_103918.jpg

: 20170303_103925.jpg

: 20170303_103929.jpg

1985: 1985 Miss HongKong pageant

1985: Miss HongKong pageant

: Victoria Bty.2.JPG

2017: Heritage Baptist Church.jpg

: Margaret Wheeldon Pugh

: Margaret Wheeldon Pugh

: Margaret Wheeldon Pugh

: Margaret Wheeldon Pugh
