Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: Margaret Wheeldon Pugh

: Margaret Wheeldon Pugh

2017: Former Prince Theatre.jpg

1924: Aerial photo ref: H25.18

2017: Kevin Styles with stereoscope

2016: Western Market 2016.jpg

1910: 山顶轻轨 Peak Tram 1910's

1906: 汉口号蒸汽客轮 P. S. Hankow Paddle Steamer, Hong Kong 1906

1968: Press Photo 272a 新闻老照片-板球比赛 Hong Kong 1968

1954: Press Photo 1001 新闻老照片-香港大火 Hong Kong Fire 1954

: 九龍加拿芬道十四號格蘭酒店GRANDHOTEL@ebay.jpg

: 元朗新花園酒家@StanleyChoi 1967.jpg

1967: Press Photo 240 新闻老照片-罗湖口岸 Lo Wu Control Point 1967

1980: Cinemas/Movie Theatres_1980

2017: Mun Fat Lane.jpg

: page.jpg

1957: Jungle Gym in Maple Street Playground, Kowloon - Can you see Christopher?

1957: Maple Street Playground, Kowloon. C with his back to us

1957: Professor Stock's wife Gwen's nursery school on university compound.

1957: Southorn Playground

1957: Southorn Playground

1923: 1923 Survey of Western District

1894: Mountain Lodge 1st Generation

1957: 19 Mile Beach. New Territories.

1957: Aberdeen
