Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2017: Naval Boundary Stone #8, Site of Former Royal Naval Hospital, Wanchai

1893: Queen's Birthday Parade

1893: Queen's Birthday Parade

1893: Queen's Birthday Parade

: Belvedere.JPG

1944: Tsukahara Kichinosuke with Navy Commander General, Counsellor, and Paymaster

1943: Tsukahara Kichinosuke with Mohamacan, Gramcan, Kushimanman, and Sonoda Chief of Food Ration

1944: Tsukahara Kichinosuke with Families of Mr Lam & Mr Chan

1906: Another View of a Damaged Godown at West Point

1906: Messrs Jebsen & Co.s Godown at West Point

1933: HKU Map 1934

1960: Poor Mans Night Club at Night

1970: Poor Mans Night Club Location

2003: Poor Mans Nightclub 2nd Generation 2003

2017: High West from Pokfulam Road

1906: Smithfield

1906: Caption under photo

1906: Blurred people

1906: Boxes

1906: Lightning conductor

1906: People

1906: Jebsen & Co. Godown at West Point after the 1906 Typhoon

2016: Apollo Building (former site of Apollo Theatre)
