Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1960: Hong Kong State Theatre - Commercial Slide

1960: Hong Kong At Night - Paramount Theatre and Nightclub

1916: HK abt 1916.jpg

1877: 1877 Murray Bty.JPG

1945: Japanese POW Camps in WWII

2017: Secure - https

: 香港維多利亞醫院(女子醫院)面對向皇后大道@NAUK 1069-446-43.jpg

1930: 1930 Steel Hangar Frame Erected for Kai Tak

1953: Ration card, 1953

1930: Grandpa's college leaving certificate, 1930

1945: A recon photo of a Japanese POW Camp (King Park)

1945: PW Supply Mission to North Point POW Camp

1945: PW Supply Mission to Argyle Street POW Camp

: 199? Mui Wo

1934: 1934 HSBC Under Construction

1923: Blake Pier during typhoon, Hong Kong

1945: Peak Tram station at May Road (1945)

1907: Warehouse under construction, Hong Kong

1923: Unveiling of the Cenotaph, Statue Square, Hong Kong (香港) (2)

1923: Unveiling of the Cenotaph, Statue Square, Hong Kong (香港) (1)

: slk_beacon_8.JPG

: slk_beacon_1.JPG

1962: 1962 Map of Silvermine Bay

: Fanling1.jpg

: Hong Kong Ways & Byways - A Miscellany of Trivia by Eric Cumine
