Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

Click on any photo for more information and to see a larger copy you can zoom in to.

2017: IMG_7601.JPG

2017: IMG_7602.JPG

2017: IMG_7603.JPG

2017: IMG_7604.JPG

2017: IMG_7605.JPG

1947: HK-Canton-Macao Steamboat Company-1st postwar General Meeting

1945: Hong Kong from the air, 1945

1933: Trademark - Motor Cigarettes

1933: Trademark - Parasol Cigarettes

1933: Trademark - Stag Cigarettes

1930: Trademark - Biscuit and Cake

1933: Trademark - Toilet Water

1931: Trademark - "Cock Brand"

1945: Aerial View of Kowloon Peninsula 1945

2017: View inside

2017: View from path

2017: Closer look

2017: Close-up of text

2017: One panel has text

1945: 1945 view over HKU

: Malnutrition patients

: Leslie Puckle

: Leslie's apron

1945: Mid-Levels and HK University

1945: Mid-Levels 1945
