Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1981: The Kwai Chung Container Terminal = 葵涌貨櫃碼頭 1981

1980: General view of Tsuen Wan = 荃灣景觀 1980

1977: Tsuen Wan and Tsing Yi Bridge 1977

1979: Lai Chi Kok Incinerators 1979

1976: Lai Chi Kok Incinerators 1976

1970: Kennedy Town Incinerator

: Photostrip for talk #2

1935: Electric Star

1932: YMCA Extension opens

1946: Cust Rock Beacon

2016: LeggeCoverFront.png

1981: Hong Kong Tram 29+Trailer

1985: Once upon a time - Hong Kong - Sharp Street

1964: 1964 Tram depot at Causeway Bay

1910: 1910s Causeway Bay station

1989: Hong Kong Tram March 1989

1989: Nathan Road March 1989

1959: 1959 Central waterfront

1986: peak hk/Peak Mansions

1987: Derailed Tram

1987: Sharp Street tram depot in Causeway Bay

2016: Stone Wall Remains

2016: Water Stream above Victoria Road

2016: Stream Bed Below Pokfulam Gardens

2016: Second Waterfall and Pool below Pokfulam Road
