Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1994: Silver Mine Bay Lantau Hong Kong (Scanned 35mm Film Image) 1994

: 19xx HK higher resolutionjpg.jpg

1939: Stanley Fort in 1939

1940: F1 gun on Mount Davis

1940: F2 gun Mount Davis

2006: 2006 Queen Victoria Statue - Raoul Bigazzi

: Grinding rice

2003: 2003 - Clearwater Bay

2003: 2003 - Clearwater Bay

2003: 2003 - Clearwater Bay

2003: 2003 - Clearwater Bay

2003: 2003 - Clearwater Bay

2003: 2003 - Marina Cove and Hebe Haven

1991: Bridge over Kennedy Road 1991

1930: C.E. Warren advert-SCMP-4 Jan1930.jpg

: bottom of pot.png

: pot.png

: unknown pots.png

1968: Peninsula Hotel guest-Noel Coward & Noon Day Gun

1965: Screen capture

: Cutting grass

: Column location.JPG

: Camp Hospital

1845: 1845 Map

1842: 1842 Map of Initial Land Sales in the Colony
