Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1950: 1950s "A suburb view in Hong Kong"

1954: MODE ELITE-advert

: Morrison Hall HKU HK 香港大學馬禮遜堂

1890: 1890s HK streetscene

1937: 1937 KGVI Coronation Illuminations

: IMG_20170129_172228.jpg

: IMG_20170129_205302.jpg

: Stanley Camp

: Queue at Indian quarters kitchen

1925: 1920s Hong Kong Hotel Brochure - HK, Canton & Macao Steamboat Co.

1941: King's Building - Nippon Yusen Kaisya Shipping Line

1941: Des Voeux Road Central

1941: Des Voeux Road Central - General Post Office

1941: Des Voeux Road Central

1941: Rickshaw Rank on Pedder Street near Jardine House

: One of the camp kitchens

1945: Work on airfield Ping Shan 1945

1945: Hailing a bus, Hong Kong, 1945

1945: Pui Shan, Hong Kong, 1945

1934: Beach pyjamas.JPG

1920: Thomas Neil Davis

1950: 4 Tak Shing Street Interior - 1950

1950: 4 Tak Shing Street Exterior - c. 1950

1950: 4 Tak Shing Street Balcony - c. 1950

2017: IMG_7574.JPG
