Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

Click on any photo for more information and to see a larger copy you can zoom in to.

2016: Museum of Medical Sciences 2016c.jpg

2016: Museum of Medical Sciences 2016d.jpg

2016: Museum of Medical Sciences 2016e.jpg

2016: Blake's Pier 2016.jpg

2016: Tsang Tai Uk 2016a

2016: Tsang Tai Uk 2016b

2015: King George letterbox 2015.jpg

2015: Marine Police HQ 2015a.jpg

2015: Marine Police HQ 2015b.jpg

2015: Marine Police HQ 2015c.jpg

2015: Marine Police HQ 2015d.jpg

2015: Marine Police HQ 2015e.jpg

2015: Marine Police HQ 2015f.jpg

: P1020060a.JPG

: P1020068a.JPG

: P1020074a.JPG

2016: High Street facade 2016a.jpg

2016: High Street facade 2016b.jpg

2016: High Street facade 2016c.jpg

2016: High Street facade 2016d.jpg

2016: High Street facade 2016e.jpg

2016: High Street facade 2016f.jpg

2016: High Street facade 2016g.jpg

2016: High Street facade 2016h.jpg

1945: c.1945 Kowloon (detail)
