Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2016: Fung Fai Terraces

2016: Fung Fai Terraces

2016: Fung Fai Terraces

2016: Fung Fai Terraces

2016: Fung Fai Terraces

1961: 1961 Golden Gate Hotel

1956: 1956 Golden Gate Hotel

1961: 1961 Kowloon Cricket Club

1961: 1961 Kowloon Bowling Green Club

1961: 1961 Junction of Observatory Road and Nathan Road

1961: 1961 Junction of Lock Road and Nathan Road

1977: Lockhart Rd.JPG

1938: At Fanling Teahouse

1977: Exiting Victoria Barracks.JPG

1977: Garden Road.JPG

1977: Rawlinson House.JPG

1977: Queen's Rd Central.JPG

1977: Cotton Tree Drive.JPG

1977: Cotton Tree Drive

1983: Victoria Barracks Cotton Tree Drive entrance.jpg

1977: Victoria Barracks Cotton Tree Drive entrance.jpg

1983: Victoria Barracks Demolition of E Block.jpg

2016: Tunnel above Siu Sai Wan

: Tai Tam Fork Battery Sketch

1997: Kai Tak Airport landing sequence-panorama
