Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2016: Maurice Weill

2016: Charles & Isaac Goldenberg

2016: Siegfried Komor

2016: Alexander Laihovetsky

2016: Sema Belilios

2016: David Belilios

2016: Plaque commemorating the opening of the Jewish Cemetery

2016: Pearl Steinberg

2016: Jacob Sternberg

2016: Rosie Weill

2016: Fung Fai Terraces

2016: Fung Fai Terraces

2016: Fung Fai Terraces

2016: Junction of Shan Kwong & Village Roads

2016: Shan Kwong Road

2016: Junction of Shan Kwong & Village Roads

2016: Shan Kwong Road

2016: Entrance to Jewish Cemetery

2016: Fung Fai Terraces

2016: Fung Fai Terraces

2016: Yiu Wa St.

2016: St. Michael's Cemetery

2016: Fung Fai Terraces

2016: Fung Fai Terraces

2016: Fung Fai Terraces
