Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1981: Tai O warehouses

1981: Tai O fishermen's houses

1981: Tai O fishermen's houses

1981: Drying shrimps

1981: Shrimp drying

1981: Shrimp drying

1981: Ladies hard at work

1981: Offloading a junk

1981: Tai O pier

1981: Tai O pier

1981: Tai O creek

1981: Tai O creek

1981: Tai O creek

1981: Tai O creek

1981: Tai O creek

1981: Stilt warehouses

1981: Tai O

1981: The terrace of the Tea Garden restaurant

1981: Near the Tea Garden restaurant

1981: The tea garden

1981: impressive grave near the tea garden

1981: Lantau mountains seen from the road up to the monastery

1981: Overlooking the reservoir

1981: 100_0096r.jpg

1981: Incense stick burner, Po Lin Monastery
