Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1981: Missions to Seamen and China Fleet Club

1981: Little Sai Wan

1925: Cicely&pram.JPG

1930: Racecourse_view_1930s.jpg

2015: XXL-sized Gwulo photo

1922: Central Market

1922: Marble Hall

1922: GPO

1922: Lugard Road

1922: c.1922 View of Hong Kong from the harbour

1981: Connaught Road

1981: Unidentified road

1981: Coffin shop and scribe

1981: Waffle or doughnut vendor

1981: Queens pier

1981: New Territories intensive cultivation

1981: River bend in New Territories

1981: Fields in the New Territories

: Grave of Francis Michael O'Sullivan

2015: Father in Law's Grave at St Michaels Cemetary

1926: View to Kowloon-adjusted

1926: View_to_Kowloon.jpg

: 45 Shouson Hill Rd

2015: Wood Road Building.JPG

1981: 100_0102.JPG
