Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1981: Prawn sellers

1981: Antique Shop

1981: Dai Pai Dong

1981: Letter writer

1981: Tenements and shops

1981: Funeral offerings shop

1981: Boys fishing

1981: Shau Kei Wan fishing fleet

1981: Large fishing junks

1981: Shau Kei Wan land reclamation

2015: Cheung Chau Theatre

2015: Old building on Pak She Street

2015: Cheung Chau Theatre

2015: Cheung Chau Theatre

2015: Cheung Chau Theatre

2015: Cheung Chau Theatre

2015: Cheung Chau Theatre

1981: Waterfront Central

1981: Butcher shop

1981: Buying lychees

1981: Dried fish shop

1981: Dried food shop

1981: A poor man's home

1981: Preserved vegetable shop

1981: Unknown shops
