Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1958: Central, 'Rogues' Alley

1958: Central, street market off Queens Road

: Central, The Peak tram

1958: Central and the harbour from the Peak tram

1958: Central, Wellington Street

1958: Central, Queens Road alley

1958: Central, Queens Road

1958: Central, Queens Road

1958: Central, Queens Road Central, behind Central market

1958: Central, Wellington Street

1958: Central, Peak and old cannon

1958: Central, Peak view over Central

1958: Central, The Peak, Lugard Road

1958: Central, Pottinger Street

1958: Central, Pottinger Street

1958: Central, Garden Road, Murray Barracks

1958: Central, Ice House Street

1958: Central, Kings Theatre, Queens Road Central

1958: Central, Law courts and old Star Ferry pier

1958: Central, Connaught Road Waterfront

1958: Central, Connaught Road Waterfront

1958: Central, Connaught road, Blake pier

1958: Central, Cricket ground from Cheero Club

1958: Central, from Peak tram

1958: Central, from Peak
