Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: Buchan English photos 1800's several small.jpg

2015: Bunker on rocks near Shek O Golf Course

2015: Front view.

2015: The structure is well concealed.

2015: camoflage.

2015: slit window.

2015: the view with tip of Shek O Headland in distance on right.

2015: approach to rear of building.

2015: Rear of the building

2015: Inside.

2015: Inside.

1969: Victoria Junior School 1969

1969: 19-hong-kong-1970-katymcc.jpg

1969: Hennessy Road 1969

1969: Hong Kong Festival 1969

1969: Trams at Methodist Church

1969: 16-hong-kong-1970-katymcc.jpg

1969: 18-hong-kong-1970-katymcc.jpg

1960: 1960s Wanchai tram

1912: Sketch Plan of the Peak 1912

2015: View west from Pollock's Path

1970: Watsons-140AnniversaryStarNews-23-5-1970.jpg

1940: 1940s Chinese Stone Bridge

: Pottinger Street

1941: Douglas Steamship Co. Ltd Wharf
