Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1945: johnson-ontario-harbours

1945: johnson-hongkong-wardamage

1945: johnson-ontario-harbours15

1942: stanleymap_1942

1948: Braathens-Schoolchildren's holiday plane-SCMP 8 Jan 1948

: IMG_20150707_0001.jpg

: La Salle College

: HMS Wolverton

1965: Barker Road houses 1965

1939: Houses behind HSBC Building

1939: H.K. from the harbour

2010: Life on the Peak

2015: IMG-20150625-WA0011.jpg

1955: HK 14 Bowen Road Dad, Ian and Jane c.1955.jpg

1952: Bowen Road c.1951 - Building the Service Reservoir and then the Tennis Courts.JPG

1953: Carlberg Coronation Day June 2 1953 18 Hong Kong Shanghai Bank

1954: Children arriving at Kai Tak on BOAC, July 1954

2001: Hong Kong island, Kowloon

2000: The "Peak" Tram

1950: Last single-deck car.jpg

1931: Alice Dyer to Alexander Laihovetsky, letter 1, 1931

1932: Alice Dyer to Alexander Laihovetsky, letter 2, 1932

1932: Alice Dyer to Alexander Laihovetsky, letter 3, 1932

1932: Bella Southorn to Alexander Laihovetsky, letter 1, 1932

1945: SCMP and HKT August 30 1945
